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How do I clean my Clove shoes?Updated 7 months ago

Quick Clean:

Classic, Solo & SuperCush™  Forte

These shoes aren’t afraid of a little fluid. Or a lot. When you’re on the go, wipe them down quickly with a damp cloth or wet wipe and move on to patient care.

Aeros & SuperCush™ Alto

Both models are made from a woven fabric that benefit from quick action following a spill. Using water and a cloth (and optionally, a gentle soap or diluted detergent), gently dab / blot affected areas to lift any stains. 

Deep Clean

All Models

Ready for a deeper clean? 

  1. Gently loosen surface dirt using a wet cloth or old toothbrush.

  2. Mix up a warm water and liquid hand soap solution.

  3. Using an old cloth or toothbrush, apply the soapy mix to the outside and soles of your sneakers.

  4. Brush or wipe away dirt and gross stuff.

  5. Wet and wring out the cloth to wipe off and rinse any detergent residue from the shoes. Avoid submerging the shoes completely to rinse them.
  6. Air dry the shoes for an hour or until completely dry. 

To keep your feet fresh, we also recommend occasionally machine washing your insoles on cold, and then leaving them out to air dry! 

We do not recommend machine washing or drying your shoes. 

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